In the distant year of 2014, a bold idea took shape on the streets of Amsterdam, a city renowned for its creativity and penchant for innovation. It was then that Artis-Micropia arose, a revolutionary institution that challenged traditional museum conventions. It stands as a celebration of life in a form that usually eludes our vision: microorganisms.
Located in the bustling heart of Amsterdam, Artis-Micropia distinguishes itself as the world’s first museum entirely dedicated to the vast array of microscopic life that populates our planet. Here, algae, bacteria, fungi, and viruses take on the role of protagonists, illuminating the hidden corners of the natural world with surprising magnificence.
Through the use of cutting-edge visualization technologies, visitors are invited to embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of microbes. The experience offered by this museum is unparalleled, as it allows exploration of a world otherwise invisible to the human eye. It is a paradise for microbiology enthusiasts, who find here an endless source of wonder and knowledge.
But Artis-Micropia is much more than just a museum: it is an opportunity to change perspective, to challenge preconceptions, and to embrace the wonder of life in all its forms. With its creation, the museum team sought to shed a positive light on what is too often mistakenly associated with negative connotations. Microbes, long stigmatized as carriers of disease and agents of contamination, find here a new stage, revealing their vital importance in the delicate balance of terrestrial ecosystems.
Micropia is not just a museum, but an invitation to explore and discover. Located in the heart of Artis, one of Europe’s oldest zoos, Micropia stands as a tangible testament to humanity’s commitment to understanding and conserving the natural world. Its location in the charming neighborhood of Plantage Kerklaan is a strategic choice that reflects the importance of promoting scientific and environmental culture in densely populated urban contexts.
In conclusion, Artis-Micropia is an essential stop for anyone wishing to explore the wonders of the natural world from a completely new perspective. It is a place where science merges with art, where beauty is revealed in the most imperceptible details, and where every visit is a journey of discovery and learning.
Micropia Accessibility:
- Address: Artisplein Plantage Kerklaan 38-401018 CZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Parking: there are 5 parking spaces in the Artis parking lot for travelers with disabilities. Two additional spaces are provided on the street.
- Opening hours: daily from 10 am to 5 pm.
- Extra opening: open from 9 am to 5 pm on the following days: December 24, 25, and 26. On December 31, antipata closing at 4 pm.
- Entrance: automated doors.
- Toilets: on the second floor, accessible by elevator.
- Accessibility: Artis-Micropia is accessible to visitors in wheelchairs.
- Rental: a wheelchair can be rented at the ARTIS box office upon payment of a deposit of a few euros. It is not possible to reserve wheelchairs in advance.
- Guide dogs: accepted.