Accessible nature visits in the Netherlands

There are 20 national parks and several other nature areas in the Netherlands where nature-lovers can go and enjoy the fresh air, spot animals and special plants, take a hike or get around by bike. Many of the visitor centers and trails are wheelchair-accessible, ensuring that everyone can enjoy being outdoors. Below, you find some nature areas that are worth to visit and easy to access.

The Vuursche Nature Area

De Vuursche can be approached from the road between Hilversum and Baarn. It is a lovely forest area where the nature is very diverse. Each piece of the forest has its own atmosphere. In one part you go through a dense and dark pine forest, while further is an open forest to be found where the sunbeams are reaching through the trees. On the way you might encounter a monumental oak that has been there for centuries.

The accessible walking route in the forest is 15 km long, however, there are different resting places on the way. It is also possible to shorten this route if needed. The route is an adapted cycling path and suitable for wheelchairs and mobility scooters. To find your way in the woods, just follow the plates with a mobility scooter logo on them. When on your way, you can come across the Groeneveld Castle which you can admire between pole 13 and 15 along the walking route.

Oisterwijkse Vennen en Bossen

The Oisterwijkse Vennen en Bossen nature park is located south of Oisterwijk in Brabant, a province in the south of the Netherlands. Dozens of ponds are in this area originated from the ice age. Enjoy a trip in the forest with your friends and spot woodpeckers and ravens on the way. More birds can be seen on the water as well as special plants.

There are parking spots for wheelchair-users close to the entrance. You can rent a wheelchair in the Oisterwijke Visitor Center. A 3,5 km long accessible route leads by countless ponds, old pine trees and about halfway you encounter the Venkraai forest house, where you can have a coffee and rest (unfortunately there is no adapted toilet available); after that continue to the accessible fishing spot and the biggest pond in the area. The view is absolutely worth it! It is also possible to shorten the route through the forest. The path is marked with blue wheelchair icons all the way.

The Biesbosch National park

The Biesbosch National Park is located close to the city of Dordrecht that is only 15 minutes away from Rotterdam. It is one of the largest national parks in the Netherlands and is an extensive area of fresh waterlands. Visitors are hiking in the area or taking a boat on the rivers to admire the nature from the water.

Although De Biesbosch is dense and rough in some places, the nature area is also accessible for people in a wheelchair. The visitor centers in the nature park are well accessible for wheelchair users as well; therefore you would not miss any information. Some of the tour boats are accessible, but not all of them; therefore it is necessary to mention that you use a wheelchair when booking a tour. There are paved roads around the Biesbosch Center Dordrecht that are accessible for wheelchair users. It is also possible to rent a wheelchair at this location. If you want to go on unpaved trails, you can use an off-the-road wheelchair with heavy tires that helps you through this hike.

The Hoge Veluwe National Park

The Hoge Veluwe National Park is in the province of Gelderland near Ede, Wageningen, Arnhem and Apeldoorn. The area is about 55 square kilometers extensive and consists of heathlands, sand dunes and woodlands. The park gives home to several remarkable buildings. The Kröller-Müller Museum exhibits an art collection that includes pieces such as works by Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso. In the Museonder at the parks’s visitor centre you can find information about the geology and biology of the Veluwe. There is also a hunting residence in the park.

Read all the accessibility information about the national park via the following link: click here.

In order to book a hotel during your stay in the Netherlands close to one of these nature areas, please let us know about your special needs and we will arrange an adapted room for you in the requested place.